
Wednesday 21 June 2023

Raasi Palan Today 22 June 2023 Thursday.


In this page of Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today 22 June, 2023 Thursday
Aani 7

(All indicated times are Indian Standard Times)

Sun Rise Time:     05.54

Star of the Day:    Poosam up to 01.10 am then Aayilyam.

Today’s Thithi:    Chadurththi up to 04.41 pm then Panchami.

Today’s Yogam:  Sidhdha Yogam.

Auspicious time:    10.30 am to 11.30 am.

Raghu Kaalam:      01.30 pm to 03.00 pm.

Yemagandam:       06.00 am to 07.30 am.

Kuligai Kaalam:    09.00 am to 10.30 am.

Soolam:                 South.

Parigaram:             Gingelly Oil. (Thailam)

Chandraashtama Star:  Pooraadam.


Happiest moments will occur by relations arrival.

Get the support of higher officials at working place.

Change will occur through unexpected some helps.

Get happiest news in close ones ways.

Existed difference of opinions with maternal uncle will reduce.

Get favourable result in cases.

This day is a happiest day.

Lucky No.       5

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:   Ashy Colour.

Ashwini:   A happiest day.

Bharani:    Change will occur.

Kaarthigai:   A favourable day.


Existed crisis in economy will reduce.

Planned activities will fulfill.

Get happiest news through the way of telephone.

Intimacy will increase between husband and wife.

Improvement will occur in physical health conditions.

Family members support will improve.

Favourable opportunities will be for students.

A day filled with full of happiness.

Lucky No.:     6

Lucky Direction:   South.

Lucky Colour:     Blue.

Kaarthigai:    Crisis will reduce.

Rohini:       Improvement will occur.

Mirugaseerisham:   .Opportunities will be.


Co-operation will occur in relations ways.

Get the blocked money income.

Change will occur in physical appearance/glossy.

You will be happy by procuring the items liked by your mind.

Improvement will occur in trading works.

You will get fulfilling the thoughts by speaking talents.

You will do and complete the official works faster.

A day full of kindness is needed.

Lucky No.:   7

Lucky Direction:   Southwest.

Lucky Colour:   Light Yellow.

Mirugaseerisham:  Co-operation will occur.

Thiruvaathirai:    wishes will fulfill.

Punarpoosam:    Thoughts will fulfill.


Interest will occur in new types of performances.

Some reviews/criticism on you will reduce.

Coping up anything maturity will occur.

Expected helps will be favourable in brother’s ways.

You will understand the strength and weaknesses.

Benefit will occur through tactical speeches.

Change will occur in body physical appearance.

A day full of patience is needed.

Lucky No.:     6

Lucky direction:  North.

Lucky Colour:    Light Green.

Punarpoosam:   Interest will occur.

Poosam:     Get helps.

Aayilyam:  Benefit will occur.


Independence character will increase in performances.

Get the blocked some incomes.

Change will birth through outstation travel opportunities.

Avoid the awakening of eyes for long times.

You will know and will be fulfilling the needs of house.

Lack of interest will occur in actions.

Goddess related thinking’s will increase.

A day filled with full of competitions.

Lucky No.:   3

Lucky Direction:    East.

Lucky Colour:     Yellow.

Magam:   Get incomes.

Pooram:    Requirements will fulfill.

Uththiram:   Thinking’s will improve.


Economy related crisis will reduce.

Fast/speed will occur in performances.

Get new opportunities in livestock breeding field.

Improvement will occur in higher grade educations.

Savings will increase through incomes.

Elder siblings will be performing favorably.

Get new opportunities in internet related fields.

A day full of prudence is required.

Lucky No.:    4

Lucky Direction:   East.

Lucky Colour:    Yellow.

Uththiram:     Crisis will reduce.

Hastham:     Improvement will occur.

Chiththirai:     Get opportunities.


Get different experience in doing efforts.

Native place related travel thinking’s will improve.

Value/respect will increase at outside circles.

Superiority will occur in agriculture works.

Understanding about the peoples together with you will occur.

Performing with controls in anything related thoughts will improve.

Get the co-operation of higher officials.

A day full of efforts will be fulfilling.

Lucky No.:  8

Lucky Direction:   Southeast.

Lucky Colour:  Dark Blue.

Chiththirai:  Get Experience.

Swaathi:   superiority will occur.

Visaagam:  Get co-operation.


You will do and complete the activities thoughts in mind.

Research related thinking’s will increase.

Existed dragging in father side properties will reduce.

Get the support of siblings.

Existed blocks/barriers in performances will remove.

Get the darshan’s and blessings of saints.

Interest will occur in holy works related performances.

A day full of protests will be reducing.

Lucky No.:   6

Lucky Direction:  Northeast.

Lucky Colour: Dark Green.

Visaagam:  Thoughts will fulfill.

Anusham:  Dragging will reduce.

Kettai:  Barriers/blocks will remove.


Change will occur through unexpected some travelling’s.

Avoid the opinions about the others.

Reduce the investments in trading works.

Understanding about friends will occur.

Changed environment will occur to those who are in social works.

Give up and move with family members.

A type of fatigue/tiredness will occur and go away in performances.

A day full of awareness is needed.

Lucky No.:   7

Lucky Direction:   Northwest.

Lucky Colour:  Blue.

Moolam:   Change will occur.

Pooraadam:  Understanding will occur.

Uththiraadam:  Fatigue/tiredness will go away.


Get expected result in competitive examinations.

Gain will occur in life partner’s ways.

Good/auspicious activity efforts will fulfill.

Indirectly existed competitions, jealousies will reduce.

You will get again the lost/missed some items.

Those who were against you will go separate.

Trade related thinking’s will improve.

Travelling’s pertaining to work will get hand in hand.

A day filled with full of good.

Lucky No.:  8

Lucky Direction:  West.

Lucky Colour:   Dark Blue.

Uththiraadam: Gain will occur.

Thiruvonam:  Competitions will reduce.

Avittam:  Thinking’s will improve.


Situations will occur for those who have gone away would like in coming back.

New job related efforts will fulfill.

Favourable situations will occur in education related works.

You will get to know the subtle matters in business.

Imagination related thinking’s will improve.

Happiest situations will occur in children’s ways.

You will be taking future related some decisions.

Profit will occur in properties related matters.

A day filled with full of victory.

Lucky No.:  4

Lucky Direction:  East.

Lucky Colour:  Ash Colour.

Avittam:  Efforts will fulfill.

Sadhayam:   You will know the nuances.

Poorattaadhi:  A profitable day.


Get good/auspicious news in friend’s ways.

Profit will occur through native properties.

Clarity will occur for mind blocking some problems,

Improvement will occur in imagination related works.

Get opportunities according to talent in official duties.

You will be involving with agility in any of the actions.

Outstation travelling’s pertaining to business will be favourable.

A day filled with full of love.

Lucky No.:   3

Lucky Direction: Northeast.

Lucky Colour:  Sandal Colour.

Poorattaadhi:  A good/auspicious day.

Uththirattaadhi:   Clarity will occur.

Revathi:   An active day.

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