
Friday 23 June 2023

Raasi Palan Today 24 June 2023 Saturday


In this page of Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today 24 June, 2023 Saturday
Aani 9

(All indicated times are Indian Standard Times)

Sun Rise Time:     05.54 am.

Star of the Day:    Magam up to 06.15 am then Pooram.

Today’s Thithi:    Shashti up to 08.29 pm then Sapthami.

Today’s Yogam:  Marana Yogam up to 05.54 am then Amirdha                             Yogam up to 06.15 am then Sidhdha Yogam.

Auspicious time:  07.30 am to 08.30 am, and 03.30 pm to 04.30 pm

Raghu Kaalam:    09.00 am to10.30 am.

Yemagandam:     01.30 pm to 03.00pm.

Kuligai Kaalam:  06.00 am to 07.30 am.

Soolam:                 East.

Parigaram:             Curd. (Thayir)

Chandraashtama Star:  Thiruvonam.


Planned some activities will fulfill.

You will know the thoughts of others and will be performing.

New thinking’s will occur in mind.

You will be thinking about income improvement.

Happiest situations will occur in friend’s ways.

New type of environment will occur at working place.

Long day’s desires will fulfill.

Lucky No.   6   

Lucky Direction:   North.

Lucky Colour:   Light Green.

Ashwini:   Activities will fulfill.

Bharani:    A happiest day.

Kaarthigai:   Desires will fulfill.


Unexpected some works will end.

Loan related problems will reduce.

Peace will occur in official duties.

Co-operation will occur with mother side relations.

Those who were against you will go separate.

You will be happy by procuring the items required for home.

New type of experience will occur by travelling’s.

A day filled with full of peace.

Lucky No.:   5 

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:     Gold Colour.

Kaarthigai:    Problems will reduce.

Rohini:       Co-operation will occur.

Mirugaseerisham:   .Experience will occur.


Competitions will reduce din trading works.

You will know and will be fulfilling the needs of house.

Transfer/relocation pertaining to work will occur.

Physical health condition related tribulations will remove.

Happiest situations will occur by children’s.

New house and land procuring related efforts will improve.

A day full of kindness is needed.

Lucky No.:   4

Lucky Direction:   Northeast.

Lucky Colour:   Yellow Colour.

Mirugaseerisham:  competitions will reduce.

Thiruvaathirai:    Transfer/relocation will occur.

Punarpoosam:    Efforts will improve.


Unity will occur by open minded speaking between husband and wife.

You will reduce the luxury expenses.

Value/respect will increase for your speeches.

Lively situations will occur in family.

Profit will occur in property selling and buying.

Get the co-operation of customers.

Excitement will occur by the introduction of new peoples.

A day full of work will be improving.

Lucky No.:   9 

Lucky direction:  North.

Lucky Colour:    White Yellow.

Punarpoosam:   Understanding will occur.

Poosam:     Profit will occur.

Aayilyam:  An exciting day.


Plans pertaining to business will get hand in hand.

Get good/auspicious news in children’s ways.

You will know the thoughts of close ones and will be performing.

Unity will occur by removal of existed difference of opinions in family.

Confusion will occur and go away by fluctuated thinking.

Existed responsibilities in official duties will reduce.

You will get blocked some incomes.

A day full of patience is needed.

Lucky No.:   8

Lucky Direction:    South.

Lucky Colour:     Green.

Magam:   Plans will get hand in hand.

Pooram:    Unity will occur.

Uththiram:   Get incomes.


Attention is needed in costly items.

Thinking’s about family members will improve.

Perform with patience in\Government related matters.

Value/respect will increase in goddess related works.

Crisis will occur by sudden expenses.

Humble speeches will avoid unnecessary enmity.

Adjust and move with colleagues/co-workers.

A day full of self-confidence is needed.

Lucky No.:    7

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:    Light Yellow.

Uththiram:     Thinking’s will improve.

Hastham:     Get value/respect.

Chiththirai:     Adjust and move.


Get money income for developing the business.

Improvement will occur in new efforts.

Influence will increase at outside circle.

Be with care in documents/deed related works.

Get the co-operation of colleagues/co-workers.

You will be fulfilling the needs of others.

Get the help of peoples those who are in higher responsibilities.

A day full of barriers/blocks will be removing.

Lucky No.:  8

Lucky Direction:   Southwest.

Lucky Colour:  Dark Blue.

Chiththirai:  Get money income.

Swaathi:   Attention is needed.

Visaagam:  Get help.


You will get value/respect according to work.

Perform with prudence with friends.

You will understand the thoughts of close ones.

New experience will improve in trading.

You will be taking some important decisions pertaining to job.

Get the result you thought in new efforts.

Siblings will be with kind.

A day filled with full of victory.

Lucky No.:   9

Lucky Direction:  Northeast.

Lucky Colour: White Yellow.

Visaagam:  Get value/respect.

Anusham:  Experience will occur.

Kettai:  Get result.


You will go to holy places and come back.

New clarity will birth at mental level.

You will do and complete the blocked works.

Small, small changes will occur in trading works.

Avoid useless speeches.

Get expected money helps.

Peaceful environment will occur at office.

Today is a profitable day.

Lucky No.:   4

Lucky Direction:   East.

Lucky Colour:  Light Blue.

Moolam:   Clarity will birth.

Pooraadam:  Avoid speeches.

Uththiraadam:  A peaceful day.


Competitions will occur in trading works.

Some changes will occur through global operations.

Know the situations and perform with officials.

Avoiding the doubtful feelings will be good.

Adjust and move in life partner’s ways.

Using the experience knowledge in some matters will give superiority.

Patience is required in Government related works.

A day full of prudence is needed.

Lucky No.:  7

Lucky Direction:  West.

Lucky Colour:   Light Blue.

Uththiraadam: Changed day.

Thiruvonam:  Adjust and move.

Avittam:  Patience is needed.


Good/auspicious activity discussions will reach victory.

New customer’s introduction will occur.

Value/respect will improve with higher officials.

Get the co-operation of relations.

You will be performing with self-confidence in anything.

School days friend’s meeting will occur.

A day filled with full of happiness.

Lucky No.:   8

Lucky Direction:  Southwest.

Lucky Colour:  Dark Blue.

Avittam: Introduction will occur.

Sadhayam:   Get co-operation.

Poorattaadhi:   Meeting will occur.


Health related problems will reduce.

Advantage will occur in maternal uncle’s ways.

You will get winning those who were against you.

Some changes will occur in mood.

Get good verdict in cases.

Interest will occur in new matters.

You will be fulfilling the wishes of close ones.

A day full of sobriety is needed.

Lucky No.:   5

Lucky Direction: East.

Lucky Colour:  Pink.

Poorattaadhi:  Problems will reduce.

Uththirattaadhi:   changes will occur.

Revathi:   will be fulfilling the wishes.

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