
Tuesday 20 June 2023

Raasi Palan Today 21 June 2023 Wednesday


In this page of Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today 21 June, 2023 Wednesday
Aani 6

(All indicated times are Indian Standard Times)

Sun Rise Time:     05.54

Star of the Day:    Poosam.

Today’s Thithi:    Tritiyai up to 02.46 pm then Chadurththi.

Today’s Yogam:  Sidhdha Yogam.

Auspicious time:    09.30 am to 10.30 am, and 04.30 pm to 05.30 pm.

Raghu Kaalam:      12.00 Noon to 01.30 pm.

Yemagandam:        07.30 am to 09.00 am.

Kuligai Kaalam:    10.30 am to 12.00 Noon.

Soolam:                 North.

Parigaram:             Milk. (Pal)

Chandraashtama Star:  Moolam, Pooraadam.


Responsibilities will increase in official duties.

Relations arrival will occur.

Even though ripples occur in native properties ways, advantage will birth.

Higher education related confusion will remove.

Small, small difference of opinions will occur in children’s ways.

Loan related problems will slightly reduce.

New experience will occur through doing some changes in performances.

A day filled with full of luck (Yogam).

Lucky No.       4

Lucky Direction:   South.

Lucky Colour:   Ash Colour.

Ashwini:   Responsibilities will increase.

Bharani:    Confusion will remove.

Kaarthigai:   Experience will occur.


You will be involving with happiness in anything.

Efforts pertaining to new business will increase.

Get the support of family members.

Involvement will occur in goddess related works.

Existed tribulations in physical health conditions will reduce.

New technology tools/instruments procuring thoughts will fulfill.

Advantage will occur by higher officials.

A day filled with full of temptation.

Lucky No.:    7 

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:     Green.

Kaarthigai:    Efforts will increase.

Rohini:       Tribulations will reduce.

Mirugaseerisham:   Advantage will occur.


Economic crisis will reduce.

Family member’s will be co-operative.

Existed sluggishness in trading works will remove.

Meeting of the peoples those who are in higher responsibilities will create new change.

Think and perform in future related investments.

New materials additions will occur.

Adjust and move in joint/partnership trading.

A day filled with full of interest.

Lucky No.:   8

Lucky Direction:   South.

Lucky Colour:   White Colour.

Mirugaseerisham:  Crisis will reduce.

Thiruvaathirai:    A Changed day.

Punarpoosam:    Adjust and move.


You will get understand the thoughts of life partner.

Get the introduction of new persons.

Experience will improve in trading works.

Some changed moments will occur in official duties.

Perform with patience in good/auspicious activity efforts.

You will get fulfill what you thought by performing tactically.

A day full of patience is required.

Lucky No.:    7 

Lucky direction:  East.

Lucky Colour:    Red.

Punarpoosam:   Get introduction.

Poosam:     A changed day.

Aayilyam:  Thoughts will fulfill.


Sudden twists will occur in official duties.

Get the introduction of new persons on business oriented.

Adjust and move in sibling’s ways.

New type of an overview will occur at mental level.

Temptations will occur and go away by missed/lost some opportunities.

You will know and will be fulfilling the needs of house.

A day full of delay will be reducing.

Lucky No.:   5

Lucky Direction:    Southwest.

Lucky Colour:     Ash Colour.

Magam:   Twists will occur.

Pooram:    Adjust and move.

Uththiram:   Will be fulfilling the needs.


Long day’s prayers will fulfill.

Peace will occur at working place.

You will get again the lost/missed some opportunities.

Some changes will occur at mental level.

Siblings will be supportive.

Good/auspicious activity thoughts will get hand in hand.

Superiority will occur in trading works.

A day full of protests will be reducing.

Lucky No.:    6

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:    Green.

Uththiram:     Prayers will fulfill.

Hastham:     Changes will occur.

Chiththirai:     Superiority will occur.


Adjust and move in relations ways.

Change will occur in the course of thinking’s.

New opportunities will occur through travelling’s.

Existed dragging in education related works will disappear.

Physical health conditions will improve.

Government related helps will be favourable.

Experience about arts related works will occur.

You will cope up the trading competitions.

A day full of confusion will be reducing.

Lucky No.:  7

Lucky Direction:   Southwest.

Lucky Colour:  Light Blue.

Chiththirai:  Adjust and move.

Swaathi:   Dragging will disappear.

Visaagam:  Experience will occur.


Get the benefits towards efforts.

Co-operation will occur in relations ways.

Superiority will occur in deed/document related fields.

You will be fulfilling the needs of siblings.

Seniors/elders suggestions will create new confidence.

Expected some helps will be favourable.

A day filled with full of satisfaction.

Lucky No.:   6

Lucky Direction:  Northeast.

Lucky Colour: White Colour.

Visaagam:  Co-operation will occur.

Anusham:  Will be fulfilling the needs.

Kettai:  Helps will be favourable.


Attention is needed in giving and receiving’s.

Give up and move with family members.

Avoid getting angry with others.

Avoid useless discussions.

Losses will occur by technical tools instruments.

Avoid the new efforts will be good.

Ripples will occur by unexpected some sudden travelling’s.

A day full of prudence is required.

Lucky No.:   5

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:  Blue.

Moolam:   Give up and move.

Pooraadam:  Avoid the discussions.

Uththiraadam:  Ripples will occur.


Good/auspicious losses will occur in family member’s ways.

Activities thought in mind will fulfill.

Advantage will occur by the peoples together with you.

Delays in money income will reduce.

Profit will occur in trading work.

You will be performing with agility in works.

Interest on gold will occur.

A day filled with full of excitement.

Lucky No.:  4

Lucky Direction:  East.

Lucky Colour:   Ash Colour.

Uththiraadam: Losses will occur.

Thiruvonam:  Delays will reduce.

Avittam:  Interest will occur.


Existed worries in mind will reduce.

Spiritual travelling’s will get hand in hand.

Crisis will reduce in Government related fields.

Understanding will improve about the peoples together with you.

Unexpected some incomes will occur.

Interest will occur on livestock.

Loan related problems will come under control.

Other language speaking people’s introduction will occur.

A day full of work will be improving.

Lucky No.:   8

Lucky Direction:  Southwest.

Lucky Colour:  Dark Blue.

Avittam: Worries will reduce.

Sadhayam:   Income will occur.

Poorattaadhi:   Introduction will occur.


Thinking’s about money income will improve.

Existed difference of opinions with close ones will reduce.

Travelling’s pertaining to trading will get hand in hand.

Some changes will occur in official duties.

Ripples will occur by the peoples together with you.

Interest will occur in internet related works.

Get some helps in friend’s ways.

A day filled with full of peace.

Lucky No.:   6

Lucky Direction: North.

Lucky Colour:  Dark Blue.

Poorattaadhi:  Thinking’s will improve.

Uththirattaadhi:   Changes will occur.

Revathi:   Get helps.

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