
Wednesday 5 July 2023

Raasi Palan Today 6 July 2023 Thursday


In this page of Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today 6 July, 2023 Wednesday
Aani 21
(All indicated times are Indian Standard Times)

Sun Rise Time:     05.58

Star of the Day:   Thiruvonam up to 07.13 am then Avittam.

Today’s Thithi:     Tridhiyai up to 10.51 am then Chadurththi.

Today’s Yogam:  Sidhdha Yogam.

Auspicious time:  10.30 am to 11.00 am

Raghu Kaalam:    01.30 pm to 03.00 pm.

Yemagandam:      06.00 am to 07.30 am.

Kuligai Kaalam:   09.00 am to 10.30 am. 

Soolam:              South.

Parigaram:         Gingelly Oil (Thailam)

Chandraashtama Star:  Punarpoosam.


Happiness will occur in children’s ways.

You will do and complete the works you thought.

New experience will occur at outside circles.

You will get understand the nuances in trading.

Involvement will occur in arts related fields.

Perform with patience in official duties.

Get help for settling the old loans.

A day filled with full of victory.

Lucky No.   9

Lucky Direction:  

Lucky Colour:   Southeast.

Ashwini:   A happiest day.

Bharani:    Will know the nuances.

Kaarthigai:   Get help.


Unity will increase between husband and wife.

Profit will occur in giving and receiving’s.

Interest will occur in spiritual works.

Value/respect will increase at relations.

Get the introduction of familiar personalities.

Ripples will occur in trading works.

Fast/speed will occur in official duties.

New type of clarity will occur in mind.

A day full of worries will be reducing.

Lucky No.:   5 

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:     Light Blue.

Kaarthigai:  Unity will improve. 

Rohini:       Value/respect will increase.

Mirugaseerisham:   Clarity will occur.


Savings will reduce by sudden expenses.

Ripples will occur in close ones ways.

Think and perform in new efforts.

Patience is needed with children’s.

Difference of opinions will occur by doubtful feelings.

Attention is needed in the files pertaining to work.

Indirect reviews/criticisms will arise and disappear.

A day full of self-confidence is needed.

Lucky No.:   3

Lucky Direction:   North.

Lucky Colour:   Orange Colour.

Mirugaseerisham:  Savings will reduce.

Thiruvaathirai:    Patience is needed.

Punarpoosam:    Reviews/criticisms will disappear.


Value/respect will increase for your opinions.

Get good news in friend’s ways.

You will be rectifying the vehicle repairs.

Co-operation will improve in brother’s ways.

Long day’s desires will fulfill.

Get the support of peoples those who are in higher responsibilities.

You will be receiving victory by involving in competitions.

A day filed with full of introduction.

Lucky No.:   1 

Lucky direction:  South.

Lucky Colour:    Red.

Punarpoosam:   Value/respect will increase.

Poosam:     Get co-operation.

Aayilyam:  Support will improve.


You will achieve the activities by performing faster/speedy.

Clarity will birth for individual/personal problems.

Physical health conditions will improve.

Gain will occur in livestock matters.

Improvement will occur in outstation related trading.

Thinking’s about Physical appearance/glossy will improve.

Get help pertaining to loan.

A day filed with full of change.

Lucky No.:   2

Lucky Direction:    North.

Lucky Colour:     Light Green.

Magam:  Clarity will occur.

Pooram:    Improvement will occur.

Uththiram:   Get help.


Efforts for income hike will increase.

Get the support of peoples those who are in neighboring houses.

Involvement will occur in arts works.

New contracts will be favourable.

Job change thinking’s will occur.

You will get new experience by unexpected some travelling’s.

Attention is needed in internet related fields.

Interest will occur in innovative matters.

A day filled with full of freshness.

Lucky No.:   5

Lucky Direction:   South.

Lucky Colour:    Sandal Colour.

Uththiram:     Efforts will increase.

Hastham:     Contracts will be favourable.

Chiththirai:    Interest will occur.


Get happiest news in relations ways.

New opportunities towards talents will be favourable.

Superior environment will occur in trade related works.

Wealth additions related thinking’s will improve.

Oblivion related problems will occur and go away.

Job change related thoughts will birth.

Investments pertaining to trading will improve.

A day full of tribulations will be reducing.

Lucky No.:  3

Lucky Direction:   Southwest.

Lucky Colour:  Dark Yellow.

Chiththirai:  Opportunities will occur.

Swaathi:   Thinking’s will increase.

Visaagam:  Investments will improve.


New type of self-confidence will birth at mental level.

Patience is needed in vehicular travelling’s.

Adjust and move with family elders/seniors.

Good/auspicious activity related thoughts will get hand in hand.

You will go short distance travels with close ones and come back.

Business related gains will occur in sibling’s ways.

A day filled with full of pleasure/comfort.

Lucky No.:   1

Lucky Direction:  West.

Lucky Colour: Light Yellow.

Visaagam:  Self-confidence will increase.

Anusham:  Thoughts will get hand in hand.

Kettai:  Gain will occur.


Get expected help in official duties.

You clarity will occur for higher education related confusions.

You will do and complete the activities thought in mind.

You will be receiving the introduction of many peoples through subtle thinking’s.

Income will improve in internet related fields.

Changes will occur in thinking and habits.

Research related thinking’s will improve in mind.

A day filled with full of incomes.

Lucky No.:   3

Lucky Direction:   Northeast.

Lucky Colour:  Orange Colour.

Moolam:   Get help.

Pooraadam:  Clarity will occur.

Uththiraadam:  Thinking’s will improve.


Think and perform in works.

Understanding about relations will increase.

Trading related travelling will improve.

Up and down environment will occur in education.

Thinking’s pointing towards future will increase.

Avoid bizarre speeches.

Get savings related suggestions.

A day full of clarity will be birthing.

Lucky No.:  1

Lucky Direction:  West.

Lucky Colour:   Yellow.

Uththiraadam: Understanding will increase.

Thiruvonam:  Up and down day.

Avittam:  Get suggestions.


Husband and wife have to adjust and move among them.

Loan related problems will reduce.

Ripples will occur in friend’s ways.

Get new investment related help.

Avoiding the new food will be good.

You will do and complete the some blocked/interrupted works.

Small, small discussions/arguments will arise with colleagues/co-workers and disappear.

A day filled with full of understanding.

Lucky No.:   9

Lucky Direction:  East.

Lucky Colour:  Light Blue.

Avittam: Adjust and move.

Sadhayam:   Get help.

Poorattaadhi:   Discussions will disappear.


Good/auspicious activity related thoughts will fulfill.

Get appreciations through talented speeches.

Higher officials will be supportive.

You will understand the thoughts of customers.

You will get again the lost/missed some documents.

Influence will improve to those who are in social works.

Advantage will occur through father side relations.

A day full of barriers/blocks will be removing.

Lucky No.:   2

Lucky Direction: Northwest.

Lucky Colour:  White Colour.

Poorattaadhi:  Thoughts will fulfill.

Uththirattaadhi:   A supportive day.

Revathi:   Advantage will occur.

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