
Wednesday 5 July 2023

Raasi Palan Today 5 July, 2023 Wednesday


In this page of Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today 5 July, 2023 Wednesday
Aani 20

(All indicated times are Indian Standard Times)

Sun Rise Time:     05.58 am

Star of the Day:    Uththiraadam up to 08.50 am then Thiruvonam.

Today’s Thithi:     Dwitiyai up to 01.17 pm then Tridhiyai.

Today’s Yogam:   Sidhdha Yogam up to 05.58 am then Amirdha Yogam up                              to 08.50 am then Sidhdha Yogam.

Auspicious time:  09.15 am to 10.15 am and 04.46 pm to 05.45 pm.

Raghu Kaalam:    12.00 Noon to 01.30 pm.

Yemagandam:      07.30 am to 09.00 am.

Kuligai Kaalam:   10.30 am to 12.00 Noon.

Soolam:              North.

Parigaram:         Milk. (Pal),

Chandraashtama Star:  Thiruvaathirai.


Existed sluggishness in education will reduce.

Relocating the trading to new place related thinking’s will occur.

Advantage will occur through travelling’s.

Talents will expose in medicine related fields.

Get co-operation in relations ways.

Improvement will occur in Government related fields.

Profit will occur to those who are inland related fields.

A day filled with full of income.

Lucky No.   1   

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:   Red.

Ashwini:   Sluggishness will reduce.

Bharani:    Talents will expose.

Kaarthigai:   Improvement will occur.


You will be exposing the indirect talents at working place.

Blessings of seniors/elders will create clarity.

Small, small ripples will arise and disappear in trading.

Siblings will be co-operative.

You will go to new type of places and come back.

New technology search will increase.

A day full of delays will be removing.

Lucky No.:     9

Lucky Direction:   North.

Lucky Colour:     Blue.

Kaarthigai:    Talents will expose.

Rohini:       Ripples will disappear.

Mirugaseerisham:   Search will increase.


Crisis will occur by sudden expenses.

Avoiding the useless discussion will be good.

Perform with prudence in family matters.

Attention is needed in gold and materials.

Change will occur on the confidence on you.

Kindness speeches will create goodwill.

Delay will occur in getting expected some helps.

A day filled with full of expenses.

Lucky No.:   3

Lucky Direction:   East.

Lucky Colour:   Orange Colour.

Mirugaseerisham:  Crisis will occur.

Thiruvaathirai:    Attention is needed.

Punarpoosam:    Delay will occur.


You will get the postponed some opportunities.

Good/auspicious activity related thoughts will fulfill.

Understanding about friends will improve.

You will be performing with agility in anything.

Get the introduction of new persons.

Improvement will occur in joint/partnership trading.

Get favourable result in competitive examinations.

A day filled with full of support.

Lucky No.:   2 

Lucky direction:  North.

Lucky Colour:    White Colour.

Punarpoosam:   Get opportunities.

Poosam:     Understanding will improve.

Aayilyam:  Get result.


Indirect protests will reduce.

Understanding will occur between husband and wife.

Happiness will occur through old memories.

Advantage will occur by vehicular travelling’s.

Adjust and move with close ones.

Get unexpected some helps.

A day full of clarity will be birthing.

Lucky No.:   9

Lucky Direction:    East.

Lucky Colour:     Dark Blue.

Magam:   Understanding will occur.

Pooram:    Advantage will occur.

Uththiram:   Get helps.


Advantage will occur in friend’s ways.

Good/auspicious activity thoughts will fulfill.

Savings related thinking’s will increase.

Sudden twists will occur in cases.

Intimacy will increase between husband and wife.

Opportunities will be for exposing intelligence.

Expertise will expose in arts related fields.

A day filled with full of getting victory.

Lucky No.:    2

Lucky Direction:   South.

Lucky Colour:    Yellow.

Uththiram:     Thoughts will fulfill.

Hastham:    Intimacy will increase.

Chiththirai:     Expertise will expose.


Value/respect will increase at outside circles.

Some changes will occur in the course of thinking’s.

You wil be reducing the luxurious expenses.

Travelling’s pertaining to education will get hand in hand.

Thinking’s pointing towards physical health conditions will increase.

You will be modifying the native properties.

Relations co-operation will improve.

A day full of talents will be exposing.

Lucky No.:  1

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:  Orange Colour.

Chiththirai:  Value/respect will increase.

Swaathi:   Travelling’s will get hand in hand.

Visaagam:  Co-operation will improve.


Activities thoughts in mind will fulfill.

You will be taking some decisions boldly.

Research related thinking’s will increase.

Long days existed confusions will remove.

Happiness will occur in the ways towards brothers.

You will know and will be fulfilling the needs of house.

Value/respect will increase at outside circles.

A day filled with full of benefit.

Lucky No.:   9

Lucky Direction:  East.

Lucky Colour: Light Yellow.

Visaagam:  Activities will fulfill.

Anusham:  Confusion will remove.

Kettai:  Value/respect will increase.


Get blocked/interrupted incomes.

Unexpected meeting of some peoples will create changes.

Physical health conditions will improve.

Improvement will occur in mathematics related fields.

Reducing the useless promises will be good.

Seniors/elders suggestions will create clarity.

Loan helps pertaining to new house will be favourable.

A day filled with full of peace.

Lucky No.:   3

Lucky Direction:   Northeast.

Lucky Colour:  Pink.

Moolam:   Get incomes.

Pooraadam:  Improvement will occur.

Uththiraadam:  Helps will be favourable.


A type of fatigue/tired will occur and go away in performances.

Think and perform in new opportunities.

Meeting of college time friends will occur.

Unplanned travelling will occur.

Confusion will occur by unspecified some thinking’s.

Perform without inferiority complex in anything.

Giving up and moving among husband and wife will be good.

A day full of clarity will be birthing.

Lucky No.:  2

Lucky Direction:  North.

Lucky Colour:   White Colour.

Uththiraadam: Fatigue/tiredness will go away.

Thiruvonam:  Travels will occur.

Avittam:  Give up and move.


You will know and will be fulfilling the needs of house.

Understanding about the close ones will occur.

€new overview will occur through some experiences.

Outstation travelling’s will be favourable.

Attention is needed in physical health conditions.

Interest on luxury items will increase.

Gain will improve by the peoples of those who are speaking other language.

A day filled with full of devotion.

Lucky No.:   9

Lucky Direction:  Northeast.

Lucky Colour:  Red.

Avittam: Understanding will occur.

Sadhayam:   Attention is needed.

Poorattaadhi:   Gain will improve.


Happiest environment will be by children’s.

Introduction of peoples those who are in higher responsibilities swill occur.

Interest will occur in literature related fields.

Advantage will occur by native properties.

Get appreciations towards works.

Interest will occur in mental integrity matters.

A day full of kindness is needed.

Lucky No.:   3

Lucky Direction: East.

Lucky Colour:  Yellow.

Poorattaadhi:  A happiest day.

Uththirattaadhi:   Get appreciations.

Revathi:   Interest will occur.

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