
Monday 26 June 2023

Raasi Palan Today 27 June 2023 Tuesday


In this page of Daily Raasi Palan, we shall look about Today’s Raasi Palan –
Raasi Palan Today 27 June, 2023 Tuesday
Aani 12

(All indicated times are Indian Standard Times)


Sun Rise Time:     05.55

Star of the Day:    Hastham up to 12.09 pm then Chiththirai.

Today’s Thithi:    Navami up to 11.46 pm then Dhashami.

Today’s Yogam:  Sidhdha Yogam.

Auspicious time:  07.30 am to 08.30 am, and 04.30 pm to 05.30 pm

Raghu Kaalam:    03.00 pm to 04.30 pm.

Yemagandam:     09.00 am to 10.30 am.

Kuligai Kaalam:  12.00 Noon to 01.30 pm.

Soolam:              North.

Parigaram:         Milk. (Pal)

Chandraashtama Star:   Sadhayam, Poorattaadhi.

Mesham Raasi:

Loan related tribulations will reduce.

Advantage will occur in maternal uncle's ways.

Distance relations arrival will occur.

Get good verdict in cases.

Superiority will occur in livestock works.

You will know the indirect protests.

Experienced people's suggestions will create changes.

A day filled with full of victory.

Lucky No.   6

Lucky Direction:  North.

Lucky colour:  Light green.

Ashwini Staar:  Advantageous day.

Bharani Staar:  Superiority will occur.

Kaarthigai Staar:  A changed day.

Rishabam Raasi: 

Long days prayers will fulfill.

You will be performing economically in anything.

New type of environment will occur at working place.

Planned some activities will fulfill.

Happiest situations will occur in friends ways.

You will be happy by procuring arts related items.

You will be determining new goals.

A day filled with full of money.

Lucky No.     2

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour:   Sandal Colour.

Kaarthigai Staar:  Prayers will fulfill.

Rohini Staar:   New type of day.

Mirugaseerisham Staar:  Goals will birth.

Mithunam Raasi: 

Loan related problems will reduce.

Interest will occur in social works.

Influence will increase in the centre of relations.

New land procuring related thoughts will improve.

Responsibilities will reduce by colleagues/co-workers.

Avoid the sharing of personal matters.

Superiority will occur in agriculture related works.

Those who have performed against you will go separate.

A day filled with full of rest.

Lucky No.  9

Lucky Direction: West.

Lucky Colour:   Blue.

Mirugaseerisham Staar:  Problem will reduce.

Thiruvaathirai Staar:   Thoughts will improve.

Punarpoosam Staar:  Superiority will occur.

Kadakam Raasi:

You will be procuring the modern technology tools/instruments.

Existed worries in mind will reduce.

You will be taking some decisions boldly.

Siblings will be as companions.

Co-operation will occur in father-in-laws ways.

Transfer/relocation efforts will get hand in hand.

Change will occur through short distance travelling's.

Existed delays in partitions will reduce.

A day full of oblivions will be reducing.

Lucky No.   3

Lucky Direction:  South.

Lucky Colour:  Blue.

Punarpoosam Staar:  Worries will reduce.

Poosam Staar:  Co-operation will occur.

Aayilyam Staar:   Delays will reduce.

Simmam Raasi:

New person's introduction will occur in family.

Experience knowledge will expose in speeches.

Opportunities will occur for redeeming pledged items.

New clarity will birth at mental level.

You will be happy by procuring the favourite items.

New type of environment will be in management/administration related fields.

Experience will occur by travelling's.

A day full of prudence is required.

Lucky No.    1

Lucky Direction:  East.

Lucky Colour:  Red.

Magam Staar:  Get introduction.

Pooram Staar:   Opportunities will occur.

Uththiram Staar:   Experience will occur.

Kanni Raasi:  

Stick to patience in any of the actions.

Interest will occur in physical excercise related matters.

Existed sluggishness in memory power will remove.

Future related thinking's will improve.

Coping up anything maturity will occur.

Think and perform in insurance related matters.

New opportunities will occur in giving and receiving.

A day filled with full of excitement.

Lucky No.   9

Lucky Direction:  Southwest.

Lucky Colour:  Yellow.

Uththiram Staar:  Patience is needed.

Hastham Staar:   Think and perform.

Chiththirai Staar:  Opportunities will occur.

Thulaam Raasi:

Interest will occur on innovative matters.

You will do and complete the dragging some works.

Changed opportunities will occur by unfamiliar persons.

You will be making efforts to avoid unnecessary expenses.

You thought one is different and the happening one will be different.

Avoid the awakening of eyes for long duration.

New overview about life will birth.

A day filled with full of adequacy.

Lucky No.   3

Lucky Direction:   East.

Lucky Colour:  Orange Colour.

Chiththirai Staar:   Interest will occur.

Swathi Staar:   Get opportunities.

Visaagam Staar:  An innovative day.

Viruchikam Raasi:

Old problems will reduce.

Involvement will occur in public activities.

Get the co-operation of colleagues/co-workers.

Influence will increase at outside circles.

Improvement will occur in higher grade education.

Physical health condition related tribulations will reduce.

A day filled with full of expenses.

Lucky No.   9

Lucky Direction: Southwest.

Lucky Colour:    Blue.

Visaagam Staar:   Problems will reduce.

Anusham Staar:   Influence will increase.

Kettai Staar:  Tribulations will reduce.

Thanusu Raasi:

New experience will occur in trading.

Happiness (subitsam) will occur in relations ways.

Those who have gone separate would like and come back.

Opportunities will be to repair native house.

Superiority will occur for the Government employees.

Native place related travel opportunities will get hand in hand.

Get improved opportunities in medical fields.

A day full of protests will be reducing.

Lucky No.   5

Lucky Direction:   West.

Lucky Colour: Ash Colour.

Moolam Staar:  Experience will occur.

Pooraadam Staar:  Superiority will occur.

Uththiraadam Staar: Get opportunities.

Maharam Raasi:

Understanding about relations will occur.

Involvement will occur in divine works.

Changed environment will be by new person's.

Research related thinking's will increase.

You will be performing intellectually in anything.

Reduce the luxury expenses step by step.

Gain will occur through father side properties.

A day filled with full of benefits.

Lucky No.   6

Lucky Direction: North.

Lucky Colour:  Green.

Uththiraadam Staar: Understanding will occur.

Thiruvonam Staar:  Thinking will improve.

Avittam Staar:  A gainful day.

Kumbam Raasi:

Ripples will improve in planned activities.

Competitions will occur in trading works.

Avoid the interfering in the activities of others.

Adjust and move with siblings.

Be with care in sports matters.

Indirect reviews/criticism will occur in office works.

Awareness is needed in physical health conditions.

A day full of patience is needed.

Lucky No.   1

Lucky Direction:  Southwest.

Lucky Colour:  Red.

Avittam Staar:   Ripples will improve.

Sadhayam Staar:   Adjust and move.

Pooraddaathi Staar:   Awareness is needed.

Meenam Raasi:

Support will occur in brother's ways.

Dresses and ornaments addition will occur.

Higher officials will be co-operative.

Good/auspicious activity discussions will reach victory.

Profit will occur in trading works.

Get the introduction of new customers.

A day filled with full of profit.

Lucky No.   9

Lucky Direction:  West.

Lucky Colour:  Brown.

Pooraddaathi Staar:  Support will occur.

Uththiraddaathi Staar:  Materials addition will occur.

Revathi Staar:   A profitable day.

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